Le Tonic on Fire

25 Apr

As many of you may have noticed, I am really awesome. I’m talking the kind of awesome that makes people want to print out my picture and put it in their wallets. This means others are constantly asking me for my autograph, naming their firstborn after me, and giving me blog awards.

Le Clown, a fellow WordPresser and all around sexy beast, recently gave me an award because I left a very dignified comment about farts on his blog. I got a cool Clown on Fire badge (which you can find under “Tonic’s Haunts” on the right side of my homepage) which I was to distribute around the internet at leisure.

Unfortunately, WordPress was being a major player hater, and wouldn’t let me sprinkle clown dust everywhere. Le Clown, not one to let a little thing like HTML blockage stop him, came up with a new plan. I was to act as his personal blog assistant as well as write a blog post about him. How convenient that this all worked out in his favor.

I must admit, being his right-hand (wo)man was actually really fun!

We answered a few e-mails together:

He sat in the big boss chair and dictated his next blog post:

We emotionally bonded:

I guarded the bathroom stall while he dropped a deuce:

I let him drive my car:

I helped him put on his clown makeup:

We went rock climbing:

I baked him cookies:

I put him down for a nap:

I’d highly recommend trying out for this prestigious award. Le Clown is one of the nicest people I’ve met in the blogsophere, and he knows how to have a good time.

Thanks for the memories! On to your next minion…

102 Responses to “Le Tonic on Fire”

  1. UndercoverL 11/13/2012 at 4:08 pm #

    My mind went bad places on this. I have to say that on that last picture, I thought you were going to hop in bed with him. I have this thing about personal assistants. Sorry. No offense meant. I wish I could be so funny.

    • Jen and Tonic 11/18/2012 at 1:35 am #

      You can’t just hop into bed with Le Clown. There’s an application, blood test, psych test and a waiver you have to sign.

      • UndercoverL 11/19/2012 at 9:00 am #

        I wish I had such stringent bedding/mating/marriage rules. Perhaps I would have avoided a lot of headache. 😉

  2. aliceatwonderland 10/29/2012 at 1:56 pm #

    So how many peeps have you gotten to follow you on “Blogtober” post-a-day madness?

  3. Carolina Courtland 08/30/2012 at 3:00 pm #

    Frickin’ HILARIOUS!!!!

  4. clownonfire 05/31/2012 at 3:36 am #

    Just showed this to my son as he wanted to know who gave him a notebook, and he laughed. He said: Papa, you do caca!! And you’re putting make-up!! And you’re eating a cookie…
    Good times,
    Le Clown

    • Jen and Tonic 05/31/2012 at 8:56 am #

      Good times, indeed.

      Next time I’ll have to entertain the whole family.


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