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5 Truths and a Lie

20 Nov

I was telling a friend that one of the things I love most about writing is how it allows me to make connections to other people. In a way, a blog is often like an online diary that we let other people read. Some people get very personal, and visiting their blog can feel like having a conversation with an old friend.

But can you really know everything about a person just by reading snippets of their lives? Or at least make an educated guess about who they are in real life? Well, we’re about to find out.

I’m putting my Hooked on Tonics to a test. We’ll see how well do you know the real Jen, the one who exists outside of WordPress. Below are five truths, and one lie about me.  Can you tell which is which? Continue reading

12 Days of Christmas- Day 3

12 Dec

I thought Day 1 of this series was great, but Day 2 was even better! All of you brought your ‘A’ game, and I saw a lot of really cool videos for the first time. If I could, I’d buy each of you a drink, and then yawn and put my arm around you. Let’s face it, you want that too.

Moving on to Day 3…

I look a good challenge. I tried to get David Hasselhoff to tweet me back when Le Clown issued this Twitter challenge on his blog. I created and completed NaNoWriNO. I once outdrank a Russian gymnast in an effort to win $20 bucks and a blackened liver.

I recently read a post David Harding put up about his PizzaBoxDrawcember contest, and knew I had to enter. You need to click that little link to read the full story, but let me summarize the rules here:

  • Order a pizza
  • Ask the pizza making wizards to draw a gorilla throwing dice on the pizza box (other drawings acceptable, but I tried to keep with the original theme)
  • Leave the fate of your drawing in the hands of a pizza pusher

I like pizza. I like gorillas. I  like David. I like winning. NO BRAINER. Continue reading

NaNoWriNO: The Conclusion

30 Nov

NaNoWriNO Day 30

Topic: THE END!!!!!!


I must confess, I am kind of sad NaNoWriNO is over. It felt a bit like running a marathon. The first week started off pretty easily, and I was overly confident about the challenge. The second week got slightly more difficult, but I managed to power through it. The third week I basically wanted to die. This last week seemed to be relatively painless because of the endorphin rush, or maybe because of all the drugs I do.


Were all of my posts great? Hell to the no. Did I put forth effort so that nothing was a total waste of internet space? You betcha.

Let’s break down my NaNoWriNO experience, shall we? Continue reading


26 Oct

So, there’s this little thing called National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. For those of you who haven’t heard of it, it’s a challenge to get writers to complete a 50,000+ word fictional novel between November 1st and November 30th. The goal isn’t to write something you’ll eventually publish (although some do) but to flex your writing skills by pushing yourself to complete a project of this magnitude.

I know several people who have participated in it, and all of them ended up loving it despite being terrified at first. They were able to network with other writers, surprised themselves by actually finishing a novel, and none thought their end result was too shabby. I’ve wanted to join NaNoWriMo for the last couple of years, but sincerely haven’t (and don’t) have the time for it.

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