Tag Archives: diy

12 Days of Christmas – Day 1

10 Dec

Some of you may not know this, but I am quite the crafty little devil. I am a huge DIY (do it yourself) junkie, and I love upcycling things I find at thrift shops or garage sales. I always had tons of creative ideas floating around in my head, but it has only been in the last few years that I’ve acted on them.

Some of my projects include:


Chalkboard coffee table


Liquor glass candle holders

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

I tried to make a lot of my Christmas gifts this year. I’ve got a clutch, a vase, picture collages and a few others things in the works. I prefer giving personalized gifts because I think it really conveys how much I want my presents to be better than everyone else’s. Continue reading

HCP Announcement

3 Oct

This is a second blog I’ve started with the lovely Jen from The Modern Woman’s Society. If you’re crafty, love gifting, curious about DIY, want to contribute, or just love supporting friends, please stop by and say hi!

Handmade Christmas Project

Hello my handmade beauties! Its Jen W. here!

I’m beyond excited that the Handmade Christmas Project blog is finally up and running! Full credit and unadulterated praise to the talented and articulate Jen S. for saying we go big with this idea! Crafting Jens to the power of two has the potential to unleash a Christmas craft cataclysm of amazingness. If you haven’t already read the post that inspired this spin-off blog, you can check it out here.

If you’re anything like the two Jens, there simply isn’t enough time in your life for all the craft you want to do. And if you also work full-time (like the two Jens) declaring that you’re going to make all your Christmas gifts this year could be a foolish mistake. FYI kids – as of yesterday, there are only 12 weeks until the big day. Or if you do work full-time, you…

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