A Meetup of Epic Proportions

20 Feb

I have been away for awhile my dear Hooked on Tonics. I apologize, my life has been unusually hectic lately. You’d be surprised how time-consuming eating your weight in miniature eclairs can be.

I am very excited to be back not only because I am very attracted to love all of you, but because I have been scheming with everyone’s favorite redhead, Becca from 25toFly. You see, she and I noticed a trend happening in the WordPress community. Bloggers were taking their online friendships, and making them offline friendships.

First, Le Clown and The Ringmistress met Tracy Fulks.


Then Vyvacious met Sweet Mother.


Then Vyvacious met Jill (seriously, Vyv gets around)


Then Harry met Sally.


Everyone blogged how fun it was to have an orgy hang out with their blog-turned-real life friends. I saw photos of eating, drinking, and tomfoolery of the best kind. I wanted to get me a piece of that.

After Vyv and Jill met, one of them posted on Facebook about it, and in the comment thread I casually mentioned that we should have a blogger meetup. I was half serious, but I was also half distracted by the Real Housewives of Miami marathon that was on television.

A shortly while later, I received an e-mail from Becca:

Dear Jen,

You’re smart, like Stephen Hawking smart. You’re also the best blogger WordPress has ever seen. I also think you’re incredibly beautiful, and if I was a man, I’d put a ring on it.

By the way, we should seriously host a blogger meetup.

Your #1 Fan,


And this is why I’m here. Becca and I want to organize an official blogger meetup (or meetups) so that we can meet our favorite people behind the words we read on the screen.

All we need you to do is answer the following questions in the comment section:

1. Would you be interested in attending a blogger meetup?

2. What is the closest metropolitan area to you?

3. Which areas would you be willing to travel to if we had a meetup in a location other than your own?

That’s it, seriously. I mean, if you want to donate blood, semen or a kidney we’ll gladly take those too, but all that is required is 30 seconds of your time. (Note: If you don’t feel comfortable putting your location in the comments section, e-mail me at sipsofjenandtonic@gmail.com)

Please head on over to Becca’s post and thank her for making my off-handed comment a reality.

120 Responses to “A Meetup of Epic Proportions”

  1. engineering work experience 06/19/2015 at 12:37 am #

    Yes! Finally someting about construction engineers.

  2. The Hook 03/01/2013 at 11:50 am #

    Good luck to all of you! I hope you meet up and split the universe asunder!

    • Jen and Tonic 03/01/2013 at 1:24 pm #

      *nudge, nudge* you could just meet us there and help us split the universe!

  3. aliceatwonderland 02/25/2013 at 9:18 pm #

    I’m in Texas. SIGH. I am also willing to glom, saying anyone wants to glom anywhere close to Texas.

    • Jen and Tonic 02/26/2013 at 9:19 pm #

      Don’t mess with Texas!

      Actually, Texas isn’t that bad. You’ve got some good cities there. If for nothing else, we should have it there for the BBQ.

  4. vyvacious 02/22/2013 at 2:10 pm #

    YESSS!! I’m definitely down!! 😀 I live in Orange County but frequent LA quite often. I’m down to visit anywhere! I love traveling 🙂 only thing is I might have to roll everywhere for a while until I can walk again properly. Haha

    • GiggsMcGill Jill 02/25/2013 at 8:21 pm #

      Don’t worry, I’ll be there as Vyvy’s rolling backup. Because anywhen, anywhere, I’m THERE!

      • Jen and Tonic 02/26/2013 at 9:19 pm #


      • vyvacious 02/28/2013 at 12:02 am #

        YEE-HAW!! We’ll be rollin’ through 😉 Bahahaha! Maybe I’ll dress up my wheelchair as a batmobile…how cool would that be?!

        • GiggsMcGill Jill 02/28/2013 at 1:33 pm #

          That would make this gathering beyond epic and into god-like awesome prowess.

    • Jen and Tonic 02/26/2013 at 9:19 pm #

      Lots of people in your area! It looks like Jill is even willing to be your personal assistant.

      • vyvacious 02/28/2013 at 12:06 am #

        Woohoo!! 😀 Oh no, we’re equals!! No assistants here, just pure awesomeness!! 😉

  5. mabukach 02/22/2013 at 1:05 pm #

    I like this idea very much.
    Thailand sounds like a pretty central meetup place.
    Maybe you can get this sponsored by WordPress or Schlitz so we can get everything comped…

    • Jen and Tonic 02/26/2013 at 9:18 pm #

      I was thinking Senegal, but hey, Thailand works too. I tried to get David Hasselhoff to sponsor this, but he kept saying things like, “restraining order” and “500 feet away from me” over and over again.

  6. writerwendyreid 02/21/2013 at 4:57 pm #

    This is a great idea but I’m too far from everyone else (Gatineau, Quebec) and I don’t have the time or money to do any traveling. 😦

    • Jen and Tonic 02/26/2013 at 9:16 pm #

      Lots of Canadians. We’ll have to have someone spearhead a Canadian edition!


  1. Right on Schedule | 25ToFly - 03/20/2013

    […] A Meetup of Epic Proportions (sipsofjenandtonic.com) […]

  2. Bloggers Are Real People | Two Roads Diverged - 02/25/2013

    […] the Wonderful Becca and Amazing Jen have been discussing the idea of Blogger Meetup […]

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